Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fordham Brewery "TAVERN ALE"

Earlier last month I joined a Beer of the Month club. They will be sending me 4 different types of beer with 3 of each kind every month. I got my first box in earlier this week so my next three will be on these. Why only the next 3 you ask? Well because apparently while I was out drinking one night I agreed to do a blog swap with my buddy Jason.  He does a camping/kayaking blog which can be found HERE.  Why I agreed to this, I have no idea, it probably had something to do with me being drunk. If you read this regularly you know that my grammar isn't always the greatest and Jay is a damn grammar nazi. But enough about that, let's talk beer.
The first beer I grabbed out of the box was this one...

Price: 7.49 Six Pack 12oz bottles
ABV: 5.5%
ABU: 40


If you would like more info on the brewery you can click HERE. It is an AMERICAN PALE ALE and I know I said I was gonna try and stay away from the Pale Ale's for awhile but I can't help what gets sent to me. With that said, I was even more happy when I realized it was a Pale Ale.
The pour was good and it has a nice one finger off-white head that dissipated pretty quickly. It has a slight smell of citrus which I've come to expect from most Pale Ales.


The color of the beer was a nice orange-ish copper color. The initial taste was mildly hoppy with no real after taste. I was unable to taste any of the citrus that I smelled when I poured it. It was relatively light tasting for an APA. The carbonation was pretty light too which I'm not a fan of. I did some research on that thinking it may have been due to the beer traveling in the mail but I've read quite a few reviews that say that as well. My biggest gripe about this beer is that overall it tastes like a watered down Pale Ale. I've had other APA's that were not only stronger but also had a much better taste. The taste isn't bad but for a craft beer I'd expect more. If Budweiser or Miller were to ever start mass producing an APA, this is what it would taste like. It's only 5.5% which is a little low for my liking. If I'm gonna spend money on a craft beer I would like my ABV to be a bit higher then your run-of-the-mill domestic.
Overall this beer is ok. I don't think I would ever buy it if I were to come across it in the store but it is a good beer for someone who wants to get their feet wet with Pale Ales.
Facebook plug goes HERE.
Till next time....

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