HEY! Let me start this off by saying that I am writing this while feeling the effects of this beer (I'm a bit drunk) so if the grammar isn't all that great that's why.
Tonight I decided to go with a beer that I have been looking at and wanting to try for some time now. It's from the Belgium brewery Brouwerij Van Steenberge, which has been around since some time before 1784. (I couldn't find an exact date. That is the closest I could find.) They have had over 227 years to fine tune their craft and I think they have it down to a science. Here is what it looks like...
The six pack...
The bottle...
Price: 17.99 4 pack of 11.2 fl oz
ABV: 10.5%
IBU: 30.35
This beer is much different the other beers I have reviewed so far. For starters it's a Belgian Strong Ale so, unlike all the other beers I have reviewed so far, it's not an American beer and the IBU's are relatively low when compared to the other three.
After my last experience with a 10+% beer I really wasn't expecting this beer to be that good. I anticipated the strong alcohol taste to over power the entire taste but I was really surprised when I took my first drink of this beer and it tasted amazing. It is very light tasting, which I wasn't expecting from such a high content beer. I can for sure taste the alcohol but it is has a sweet almost fruity under tone that compliments the alcohol taste very well. I can't quite place what fruit but I'm sure it's something tropical. I wouldn't be mentioning it if it wasn't extremely noticeable.
I can now see why pirates enjoyed doing what they did. If I could drink this all day then go and pillage a town or have a crazy open sea battle with another ship I don't think I would mind it as much.
Overall this beer is very enjoyable. It is light enough to not realize you are drinking a beer with such high alcohol content but has enough of that "beer" taste to know you are having a well very well crafted beer. I really wish this beer wasn't so damn expensive, it could easily replace my regular beer if it wasn't. I will for sure be getting this beer again at some point just for personal drinking.
At this point I have finished the entire 4 pack and have a really nice buzz. I'm not to the point where I am stumbling over stuff or unable to think but it's a nice buzz. I have to highly recommend this beer if you don't mind spending almost 20$ on four beers.
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If you are into camping or kayaking, my good friend Jaysun has a blog all about that. Hell even if you don't do either, you should go check it out, his last one is pretty damn funny. It's all about some Ape-man that he hangs out with. Click HERE to check that out.
Till next time...
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