Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Good afternoon! So how was everyone's weekend? Did you try any new beers?
I have another Lagunitas beer for today. I need to make a serious conscience effort to try and avoid them for a little while. They have 3/4 of my reviews right now. I already have my next few beers picked out in my head though. I picked this one up when I got the Gnarly Wine last week. I really just liked the look of the label so I figured I would try it...
Price: 6.00 per 22oz bottle
ABV: 7.83%
IBU:  64.20

This beer is an American Strong Ale (I won't bore you with the details. Click the link if you wanna know more) and was surprisingly good. After my last two experiences with this brewery my hopes weren't that high. The pour was really good with a nice thick, off-white colored head. The beer is a brownish red color. I tried getting a picture but I am a horrible photographer. I need to get with my buddy Jay and have him show me the best way to photograph beer but I digress. The initial taste was very good it has the malty "beer taste" that I enjoy. I expected it to be heavy tasting but it surprisingly wasn't. There is also a taste of what might be caramel but it is very slight and buried under the rich malty flavor.  It leaves that nice "beer", or as my wife puts it "ass", taste in your mouth. (She's a wine drinker so you'll have to forgive her) I think if I were to drink a couple bottles of this it would result in a very nice buzz. I could see myself sitting around on the weekend having a few of these while playing online poker or watching football. Overall I'm really impressed with this beer. I look forward to reviewing more of Lagunitas beers in the future as they always have interesting stuff to try, it'll just be a while. So many beers so little time.
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Till next time...

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