Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lagunitas Lucky 13

A local wine/beer store has a monthly beer tasting at their shop and last Friday I attended my first one. They had 10 different beers to sample. It was only 3oz samples so it was hard to really pin down whether or not the beer was good but Lagunitas (LAH-GOO-KNEE-TUSS) Lucky 13 stood out to me among the selections so I decided to buy a bottle and it's the LUCKY beer to get my first review. (PUN COMPLETELY INTENDED)

This beer comes in a 22oz bottle and runs about $6.00 a bottle. It contains 8.9% alcohol by vol, whereas Bud Light has 5%. On side note, I think in the future I'm just gonna put all this stuff at the very beginning to get it out of the way but I'm too lazy to go back and do that for this one so y'all will just have to deal with it. Now on to the good part...
Overall this beer is just okay. I like my "Fancy Beers" to have a hoppy taste, I am a big IPA fan, and this one didn't disappoint BUT after the strong hoppy start it then left the taste of grapefruit rind in my mouth which isn't a pleasant taste, unless of course you enjoy biting into a grapefruit rind and in that case you'll find it very pleasant. After drinking the entire bottle which consisted of about two glasses, my glasses are kinda big...
I did have a slight buzz but then again I'm running on 2.5 hours of sleep since 5 am yesterday and I spent all day kayaking on the river drinking Busch Light so I really can't comment as to if it was this beer or a culmination of everything.
I'm not sure if I'd get this beer again. I just can't get past the grapefruit taste, I know I said I wasn't gonna mention aftertastes and all that stuff but it's overpowering so I had to. I look forward to trying more Lagunitas beer, I hear they make some really good IPA's and their company logo is pretty damn cool...
Till next time...

P.S This my first blog so it's a little rough around the edges. As I do more it will get better and probably a little lengthier. If you have any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism please feel free to leave a comment. I want this to work so I need feedback. 

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